Top View of Drinks, Fruits, Bread and Olives

Insights and solutions to build thoughtful, allergy friendly businesses.

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Inclusive food consulting

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Consulting Services

Different Products with Magnifier Focused on Almonds, Closeup. Food Allergy Concept


Choosing From Menu In A Restaurant


So many brands...


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My story

In 2023, I found my throat closing up at a restaurant known as a food allergy haven. As I regained my breath and composure, I found myself wondering:

“If they can get it wrong, can anyone get it right?”

Adamant in my belief that food is to be enjoyed and shared by all, I left my career in public health so I could work directly with businesses and communities to build inclusive and safe environments for everyone.

With a decade of strategic communications experience and a lifetime of navigating allergies, I understand the nuances of allergy-friendly practices from an operational and customer-facing perspective.

Together we can strategically address your role in this growing-global epidemic to help you align with your customers, remain in compliance, prioritize food inclusivity and more.

Glowy Gradient Abstract Brush Stroke Blob